Friday, November 14, 2014

Destructive implications of the World's Dams for Modern Civilization

I predicted this on 2 November 2014: See
Predicting Earthquakes/R. Ashok Kumar by google search.
The implications for dams of the world in causing extinction events are quite deterministic as happened in the dam and nuke era in the case of the Kyshtym nuke waste dump explosion(1957), the Windscale Fire(1957), with the most recent one being Fukushima(2011) and even the destruction of Vishakapatnam and the Kovvada nuke park site in Srikakulam by cyclone Hudhud in this year in October.
By application of the precautionary principle and scientific research it becomes clear that a long line of nuclear explosions like in Fukushima are highly probable. The power surge from the dams of the world are occurring constantly while meeting the water needs of modern civilization and are of the order of a million terawatts to hundreds of thousands of terawatts. Modern civilization is destroying itself by its cumulative simultaneous instantaneous impulse surges acting on parts of itself: Mahatma Gandhi taking one look at modern civilization declared: Given enough time modern civilization will destroy itself. Now the time constant of such actions has reached a day or even less.
My breakthrough explanation on the release of CO2 by Ocean Mixing anchors itself on the world's dams making CO2 and dams the dominant factors in global warming:


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