Monday, September 05, 2016

The Wenchuan Earthquake of 7.9 MM on 12 May 2008 was caused by the dams of the world.

The Wenchuan 12 May 2008 7.9 MM magnitude earthquake was caused by the dams of the World.

1.0 USGS Siginificant Earthquake data base has the following analysis:
MAY 12  06 28 01.5  31.002 N  103.322 E   19 G  7.9  1.2  774  EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA. MW 7.9 (UCMT), 7.9 (GCMT). mb 6.9 (GS).   
                                                                MS 8.1 (GS). ME 7.7 (GS). Mo 9.0*10**20 Nm (GCMT), 7.6*10**20 Nm
                                                                (UCMT), 1.3*10**21 Nm (PPT). Es 7.7*10**15 Nm (GS).

At least
69,195 people killed, 374,177 injured and 18,392 missing and presumed dead in the Chengdu-Lixian-Guangyuan area. More than 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected. At least 15 million people were evacuated from their homes and more than 5 million were left homeless. An estimated 5.36 million buildings collapsed and more than 21 million buildings were damaged in Sichuan and in parts of Chongqing, Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi and Yunnan. The total economic loss was estimated at 86 billion US dollars. Beichuan, Dujiangyan, Wuolong and Yingxiu were almost completely destroyed. Landslides and rockfalls damaged or destroyed several mountain roads and railways and buried buildings in the Beichuan-Wenchuan area, cutting off access to the region for several days. At least 700 people were buried by a landslide at Qingchuan. Landslides also dammed several rivers, creating 34 barrier lakes which threatened about 700,000 people downstream. A train was buried by a landslide near Longnan, Gansu. At least 2,473 dams sustained some damage and more than 53,000 km of roads and 48,000 km of tap water pipelines were damaged. About 1.5 km of surface faulting was observed near Qingchuan, surface cracks and fractures occurred on three mountains in the area, and subsidence and street cracks were observed in the city itself. Maximum intensity XI was assigned in the Wenchuan area. Felt (VIII) at Deyang and Mianyang; (VII) at Chengdu; (VI) at Luzhou and Xi'an; (V) at Chongqing, Guozhen, Lanzhou, Leshan, Wu'an, Xichang and Ya'an. Felt in much of central, eastern and southern China, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan and in Hong Kong. Also felt in parts of Bangladesh, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Seiches were observed at Kotalipara, Bangladesh.

2.0 Wikipedia has the following information:

According to a study by the China Earthquake Administration (CEA), the earthquake occurred along the Longmenshan fault, a thrust structure along the border of the Indo-Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate. Seismic activities concentrated on its mid-fracture (known as Yingxiu-Beichuan fracture). The rupture lasted close to 120 sec, with the majority of energy released in the first 80 sec. Starting from Wenchuan, the rupture propagated at an average speed of 3.1 kilometers per second 49° toward north east, rupturing a total of about 300 km. Maximum displacement amounted to 9 meters. The focus was deeper than 10 km.[13]

In a United States Geological Survey (USGS) study, preliminary rupture models of the earthquake indicated displacement of up to 9 meters along a fault approximately 240 km long by 20 km deep.[22] The earthquake generated deformations of the surface greater than 3 meters[23] and increased the stress (and probability of occurrence of future events) at the northeastern and southwestern ends of the fault.[23] On May 20, USGS seismologist Tom Parsons warned that there is "high risk" of a major M>7 aftershock over the next weeks or months.[24]

3.0 My analysis:

3.1 Summary
A displacement of 11.56 m vertically downwards occurred at the quake location in 17 to 18 minutes between two successive earthquakes, the later being the 7.9 MM Wenchuan quake. The World’s dam dynamics resulted in a worldwide dam content change of 393.829 BCM at the time of occurrence of the Wenchuan quake which exerted a water moment of 353.97 x 10^19.05 Nm on the focal point resulting in this displacement. This water moment resulted in the earthquake releasing energy of 4.47EXP16 (4.47x 10^16) Joules. The dam content change resulted in a downward force of 3.863x10^15 N at the focal point causing the 11.56 m downward displacement at the focal point occurring in 2 minutes. This displacement occurred at the rate of 8324 m/d with a ground acceleration rate of 5.994 million m/d/d downward! The mean displacement till before this quake from 1 October 2007 was 0.266 m/d, downward and a mean acceleration of 0.782 m/d/d  . This represents four orders of magnitude increase in the rate of displacement and six orders of magnitude increase in acceleration of level after the 7.9 MM magnitude quake. The energy released in 120 seconds corresponds to a power of 372 Terawatts. By comparison the entire electrical power capacity of the planet is 6 TW.

3.2 Brief Details of Analysis of the Wenchuan quake.

The 7.9 MM major earthquake caused a seismic moment of 70.79 x10^19.05 Nm at the focal point at 31.002, 103.322 at a depth of 19km.  This was caused by a stress build up S of five times this or 353.97x10^19.05 Nm( See Ref Turcotte et al in Ref 4). This was caused by a total dam content change DBCM  of 393.829 BCM corresponding to this stress build up at the epicentre of the earthquake determined as follows: At the instance of this earthquake the location of the centre of gravity of the water masses behind the dams lay at the location 24.45, 95.93. The distance between the centre of gravity 24.45, 95.93 and the epicentre of the earthquake at Wenchuan at 31.002,103.322 is D=1028 km. Thus the dam content change DBCM is given by

DBCM= S/10^15/9.81/D = 353.97x10^19.05/10^15/9.81/1028 = 393.829 BCM

The energy released by the 7.9 MM magnitude quake is given by the empirically derived relation (See the reference to Turcotte et al in Ref4 below):

Log Es = 1.5x Earthquake magnitude +4.8 = 1.5*7.9 +4.8 = 16.65.

Thus Es = 4.46684E+16

The downward force F in Newtons exerted by the dam content change of DBCM=393.829 BCM  was 393.829 x 10^12*9.81 which equals 3.86346E+15 N. The displacement d vertically down is thus the energy released due to water moment Nm/Downward force N =Es/F which is 4.46684E+16/3.86346E+15 or

 d =11.56173765 m.

3.3 A one Megaton TNT equivalent nuclear explosion releases energy of 4.184 x 10^15 Joules. Thus the 7.9 MM quake released energy equivalent to a 10.68 megatonne TNT nuclear explosion (ref 4).
This is an update of the data given for the earthquake in Reference 1.

See Ref 3 in this connection. In this reference you only have to replace “nuclear triggered” by World dams triggered! An extract:

“He said many villagers were working in their fields at the time of the earthquake on May 12. The earth suddenly shook and shortly afterwards, a thunderous sound came out of the mountain. Immediately after the explosion, they then saw a huge hole form at the top of the mountain. Many things were pushed out of this hole like toothpaste being squeezed out. "Was it magma?" somebody asked. "No, those were concrete blocks," said He. "The eruption lasted about three minutes," he added.”

4.0 References

1. predicting earthquakes: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change at

2. USGS: Significant Earthquakesof the World at
Updated information available now at:

3. Zhang Haishan Times Staff - Jul 09, 2008. Earthquake [nuclear-triggered??] Destroyed China's Largest Military Armory, Says Source. The Epoch Times.

4. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2012. Glaring Lacuna in meeting water needs: The Nuclear Effect in Causing Earthquakes. Link: